What's *your* punchline?
Based on Flatmate Tom's assertion that any evening is over when people start telling jokes ("you know, jokes jokes") the three of us thought it would be better/ more fun/ an interesting conecptual experiment (riiiight) to try and come up with punchlines to random joke openings. We weren't very good at it. 'Best' one of mine:
Tom: What happened to the plane load of sheep that went to Ibiza?
[silence as three red-wine-fogged brains creak about a bit.]
Me: They had it laaaaarrrge.
[Dave packs up laughing. I think this says more about Dave/ the amount he'd drunk than my abilities as a comedian.]
How many Samuri does it take to change a light bulb?
Did you hear about the woman who could only eat cake?
So, Zidane walks into a record shop...
Go on. There's a comments box waiting for you. Make me laugh bitches.